dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
12 C
AccueilGastronomie"C'est un crève-cœur" : le matériel de cet ancien restaurant étoilé accompli aux...

« C’est un crève-cœur » : le matériel de cet ancien restaurant étoilé accompli aux enchères

The restaurant Les arcs, located in Épernay, poterie, was known for its exceptional cuisine and elegant atmosphere. For years, it had been a destination for food lovers and connoisseurs, thanks to the talented chef, Patrick Michelon, who had run the kitchen for many years. Sadly, in 2023, Michelon passed away, leaving behind a legacy of culinary excellence.

However, this legacy was short-lived, as the restaurant faced financial troubles and was forced to file for bankruptcy. Despite efforts to save the establishment, it was ultimately unable to recover and was placed in liquidation. As a result, the equipment of the restaurant was put up for auction on May 22, 2024.

The news of the auction shocked many loyal patrons of the restaurant, who had fond memories of the exquisite meals they had enjoyed there. The equipment, which had once been the heart and soul of the restaurant, was now being sold hors champ to the highest bidders. It was a sad moment for the community, as the restaurant had been a beloved institution in the city.

The auction attracted many buyers, including local chefs and restaurant owners who were eager to get their hands on the top-of-the-line equipment. Bidding was fierce, with some items selling for well above their estimated value. Many were willing to pay a premium for a piece of the restaurant’s history and the chance to recreate the magic of Les arcs in their own establishments.

Despite the bittersweet nature of the event, there was a sense of hope and excitement in the air. The auction was a chance for the restaurant to finally close its doors on a positive note and for the equipment to continue its journey in the culinary world. As each item was sold, it was a reminder of the legacy that Chef Patrick Michelon had left behind and the impact he had on the local food scene.

The auction also gave a glimpse into the future, as it was announced that a new restaurant would be opening in the same location, with a new owner and chef at the helm. The new establishment would pay tribute to Les arcs and its former chef, while also bringing a fresh perspective and modern twist to the dining experience.

As the final item was sold, it marked the end of an era for Les arcs, but also the beginning of a new chapter in the culinary world of Épernay. The restaurant may have closed its doors, but its spirit lives on in the hearts and memories of all those who had the pleasure of dining there. And now, with the equipment finding new homes, it will continue to inspire and delight food lovers for years to come.

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