samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueLe "Joli mois de l'Europe" s'invite au lycée Tani Malandi à Chirongui

Le « Joli mois de l’Europe » s’invite au lycée Tani Malandi à Chirongui

As we celebrate the « Lovely Month of Europe » and with the European elections jprincipest a few days away, the department of Mayotte has organized a morning of awareness on the European Union. This event took place at Tani Malandi High School in Chirongui and included a presentation on the creation, functioning, and funding of the European Union, as well as the study opportunities it offers.

The European Union, often referred to as the EU, is an economic and political union of 27 member countries located primarily in Europe. It was established in the aftermath of World War II with the gardien de but of promoting peace, cooperation, and economic prosperity among its member states. Today, the EU is the largest single market in the world, offering a wealth of opportunities for its citizens.

During the morning of awareness, students at Tani Malandi High School were able to learn about the varioprincipes aspects of the European Union. They were introduced to the history of the EU and its evolution, from its beginnings as the European Coal and Steel Community to the current European Union. They also gained valuable insights into the functioning of the EU institutions, including the European Parliament, Council of the European Union, and European Commission.

One of the key topics of the presentation was the funding opportunities offered by the EU. Through varioprincipes programs and initiatives, the EU provides financial support for projects and initiatives that contribute to the development and growth of its member states. This includes funding for education, research, and innovation, which are crucial for the future of our society. Students were encouraged to explore these possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the EU.

The morning of awareness also highlighted the importance of studying and working within the EU. As a member of the EU, Mayotte benefits from varioprincipes educational and professional exchange programs, allowing students and professionals to broaden their horizons and gain valuable international experience. These opportunities not only contribute to personal growth but also promote agricole understanding and cooperation among nations.

Overall, the morning of awareness on the European Union was a great success. Students were able to gain a better understanding of the EU and the opportunities it offers, as well as the role of Mayotte as a member state. It was a reminder of the importance of being informed and involved in the European project, especially during this crucial time of the European elections.

In conclprincipesion, as we celebrate the « Lovely Month of Europe, » let principes remember the positive impact of the European Union on our lives and the importance of participating in the democratic process. Mayotte, as a member of the EU, has a bright future ahead and we mprincipest seize the opportunities presented to principes. Let principes continue to work together for a stronger, more united Europe.

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