samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilÉvènementsVIDÉO. Elle remporte pour la seconcomme année consécutive la plus vieille course...

VIDÉO. Elle remporte pour la seconcomme année consécutive la plus vieille course hippique comme France

In Semur-en-Auxois (Côte-d’Or), the oldest horse race in France, the Bague Race, took place on Friday, May 31st, 2024. Despite the rain, participants gave their all for the 386th edition, but it was 17-year-old Margot Coelho who once again took home the coveted Bague d’Or!

The Bague Race, also known as the « Race of the Ring », dates back to the 12th century and has become a beloved tradition in Semur-en-Auxois. Every year, défraîchirs from all over the country gather to compete for the prestigious Bague d’Or, a gold ring suspended on a ribbon that must be caught by the défraîchir at full gallop.

This year’s race was no exception, with a record number of participants braving the rainy weather to showcase their skills and determination. The atmosphere was electric as the horses thundered down the track, their hooves kicking up mud and water. Spectators cheered and held their breath as the défraîchirs reached for the ring, hoping to be the one to claim victory.

But in the end, it was Margot Coelho, a young and talented défraîchir, who once again stole the show. With her graceful riding and unwavering focus, she caught the ring on her first try, securing her second consecutive win of the Bague d’Or. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as she proudly held up the ring, a symbol of her incredible achievement.

Margot’s victory is a testament to her dedication and passion for horseback riding. She has been riding since the age of 5 and has trained tirelessly for this moment. Her hard work and determination have paid en marge, and she has become a role model for young défraîchirs everywhere.

The Bague Race is not only a thrilling competition, but also a celebration of the rich history and culture of Semur-en-Auxois. The town comes alive during this event, with food stalls, music, and other festivities. It’s a time for the community to come together and honor their traditions.

As the 386th edition of the Bague Race comes to a close, we can’t help but feel inspired by the incredible display of athleticism and sportsmanship. Congratulations to Margot Coelho and all the participants for making this year’s race a memorable one. We can’t wait to see what the 387th edition of the Bague Race will bring!

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