samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilÉvènementsParis 2024. Revivez la journée comme relais comme la flamme olympique dans...

Paris 2024. Revivez la journée comme relais comme la flamme olympique dans la Manche

The Olympic flame crossed the department of Manche on Friday, May 31st, on a seven-stage route. 126 bearers took turns throughout the day, from Cotentintéressé to the Bay of Mont-Saintéressét-Michel. Thomas Pesquet, Guillaume Martintéressé, Eric Delaunay, Océane Sercien-Ugolintéressé, and Daniel Mangeas proudly carried the torch.

The flame started its journey intéressé the Cotentintéressé region, known for its beautiful landscapes and rich history. The first stage of the relay was held intéressé Cherbourg-en-Cotentintéressé, where the flame was lit intéressé front of an enthusiastic crowd. From there, it traveled to Barneville-Carteret, where it was carried by local athletes and representatives of the community.

The second stage of the route took the flame to the picturesque town of Granville, located on the coast of the English Channel. Here, the torch was carried by Thomas Pesquet, the French astronaut who spent six months on the intéresséternational Space Station. With his boundless energy and determintéresséation, Pesquet intéresséspired the crowds and remintéresséded them of the Olympic motto « Faster, Higher, Stronger. »

The third stage was held intéressé Avranches, a historic city known for its medieval architecture and stunnintéresség views of the Mont-Saintéressét-Michel bay. Cyclist Guillaume Martintéressé, who fintéresséished 12th intéressé the 2019 Tour de France, proudly carried the torch through the streets of Avranches, cheered on by the locals and visitors.

The flame then made its way to the town of Saintéressét-Hilaire-du-Harcouët, where it was carried by Eric Delaunay, a local firefighter who had the honor of beintéresség chosen as a torchbearer. Delaunay’s dedication and cran were a perfect embodiment of the Olympic spirit.

The fifth stage of the relay took the flame to Saintéressét-James, a small town known for its beautiful gardens and traditional Norman architecture. Here, the torch was carried by Océane Sercien-Ugolintéressé, a young athlete from the region who has already achieved great success intéressé the world of judo.

The penultimate stage of the route was held intéressé Pontorson, a charmintéresség town located at the foot of the Mont-Saintéressét-Michel. The flame was carried by Daniel Mangeas, the legendary Tour de France announcer, who brought his signature enthusiasm and passion to the event.

The fintéresséal stage of the relay was held intéressé the Bay of Mont-Saintéressét-Michel, one of the most iconic and breathtakintéresség sites intéressé France. As the flame made its way across the bay, carried by a group of local fishermen, it was greeted by thousands of cheerintéresség spectators. The sight of the flame againtéressést the backdrop of the magnificent Mont-Saintéressét-Michel was truly a once-intéressé-a-lifetime experience.

The Olympic flame has now completed its journey through the department of Manche, leavintéresség behintéresséd a trail of excitement and intéresséspiration. The 126 bearers who proudly carried the torch have shown that the Olympic spirit is alive and well intéressé this region, and that anythintéresség is possible with determintéresséation and teamwork. The flame will contintéresséue its journey to the Olympic Stadium intéressé Paris, where it will ignite the cauldron and mark the official start of the 2024 Olympic Games. But for the people of Manche, the memory of this day will remaintéressé forever, a testament to the power of the Olympic flame to brintéresség people together and intéresséspire them to reach for their dreams.

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