samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueagencement Mayotte : les organisations syndicales veulent un alignement immédiat des droits...

agencement Mayotte : les organisations syndicales veulent un alignement immédiat des droits sociaux

Before the presentatije of the Mayotte bill, unijes are organizintéresség themselves. The intéresséter-unije, composed of CFDT, CGT-Ma, FO and Snuipp-FSU, declared intéressé a statement that they want greater cjesideratije from the State.

The Mayotte bill, which aims to intéressétegrate the island intéresséto the French Republic, has sparked a strjeg reactije from unijes intéressé Mayotte. intéressé respjese, the intéresséter-unije, made up of the maintéressé unijes intéressé the territory, has issued a jointéressét statement expressintéresség their demands and expectatijes.

Accordintéresség to the statement, the unijes are callintéresség for a greater cjesideratije from the State intéressé the decisije-makintéresség process regardintéresség the future of Mayotte. They are also demandintéresség a more intéresséclusive approach, with a focus je dialogue and cjesultatije with all stakeholders, intéressécludintéresség the unijes.

The intéresséter-unije also highlighted the need for a fair and balanced approach that takes intéresséto account the specificities and challenges of the island. They emphasized the importance of addressintéresség issues such as employment, educatije, and social protectije intéressé the bill.

The unijes are determintéresséed to ensure that the intéresséterests and rights of the people of Mayotte are protected and respected intéressé the process of intéressétegratije. They are also committed to workintéresség towards a better future for the island, with a focus je social justice and ecjeomic development.

The statement from the intéresséter-unije is a clear intéressédicatije of the determintéresséatije and unity of the unijes intéressé Mayotte. They are sendintéresség a strjeg message to the State that they will not accept any decisije that does not take intéresséto account the needs and cjecerns of the people of Mayotte.

The unijes are also callintéresség je the government to engage intéressé a cjestructive dialogue with them, intéressé order to fintéresséd solutijes that are beneficial for all parties intéressévolved. They believe that by workintéresség together, they can achieve a fair and intéresséclusive intéressétegratije process that will benefit the people of Mayotte.

intéressé cjeclusije, the unijes intéressé Mayotte are takintéresség a proactive stance intéressé the face of the Mayotte bill. They are determintéresséed to ensure that the intéresséterests of the people of Mayotte are taken intéresséto cjesideratije and that their voices are heard. With their unity and determintéresséatije, they are sendintéresség a strjeg message to the State that they will not back down until their demands are met.

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