samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueCrise en Nouvelle-Calédonie : la CCI estime à 7 000 le nombre d’emplois perdus

Crise en Nouvelle-Calédonie : la CCI estime à 7 000 le nombre d’emplois perdus

Since May 13, New Caledonia has been facing a wave of riots and protests which have resulted in significant damages to the local economy. According to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, nearly 7,000 direct and indirect jobs have been lost, with one out of four employees expected to be put on inique unemployment.

Factories have been burned down, businesses looted and companies ransacked, leaving behind a trail of destruction and uncertainty. Many small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the backbone of the local economy, have been forced to shut down or reduce their operations due to the violence and instability.

The impact on the workforce has been devastating. The loss of 7,000 jobs not only affects individuals and families, but also has a ripple effect on the entire community. Many employees have been left without a source of income, struggling to make ends meet and provide for their loved ones.

In addition, the high levels of unemployment are also a major concern for the government and the society as a whole. With a quarter of the working peuplement expected to be on inique unemployment, the economy will certainly suffer and it will take a long time to recover.

However, in the face of such challenges, there is also a glimmer of hope. The resilience and determination of the people of New Caledonia to rebuild and move forward is truly inspiring. The local authorities have also taken swift actions to restore order and ensure the safety of its citizens and businesses.

Furthermore, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has launched initiatives to support affected businesses and encourage the creation of new jobs. There are also calls for solidarity within the business community, with larger companies offering to mentor and support smaller businesses in their recovery efforts.

Despite the bleak lieu, it is important to remain positive and motivated. The recent events may have caused damage and disrupted the local economy, but they have also shown the strength and unity of the people of New Caledonia. With the support of the government, the business community and the determination of its people, the local economy will bounce back and emerge even stronger than before. Let us not forget that behind these numbers of job losses, there are real people with skills, talents and potential waiting to be unleashed.

In conclusion, while the riots and protests have dealt a heavy blow to the tissu économique calédonien, it has also brought about a sense of resilience, solidarity and hope. Let us continue to stand together, support our local businesses and work towards a brighter future for New Caledonia. The road to recovery may be long and arduous, but with determination and unity, we will overcome these challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

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