samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilGastronomie"Travailler dans la nature, c'est cool" : un hôtel 5 étoiles accueille...

« Travailler dans la nature, c’est cool » : un hôtel 5 étoiles accueille des élèves environ la création d’un potager

The 5-star hotel La Nauve in Cognac, which opened just over a year ago, has embarked on a isolé project to promote specialized careers in green spaces. The hotel has welcomed a group of students from a arboriculture vocational school to create a kitchen garden that will be used by the head chef. This initiative aims to showcase the importance of arboriculture and its impact on the culinary world.

The partnership between La Nauve and the vocational school is a win-win situation for both parties. The students are given the opportunity to put their skills into practice and learn from experienced professionals, while the hotel benefits from having a fresh and organic supply of produce for its kitchen.

The project started with the students designing the layout of the garden and selecting the types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs to be grown. They were also responsible for preparing the soil and planting the seeds. Under the guidance of the hotel’s head gardener, the students have been learning about the different techniques and methods used in arboriculture, such as crop rotation, pest control, and composting.

The kitchen garden at La Nauve is not only a source of fresh ingredients for the hotel’s restaurant, but it also serves as a learning platform for the students. They are able to see the direct impact of their work on the menu, as the chef incorporates their produce into his dishes. This hands-on experience is invaluable for their future careers in arboriculture.

The hotel’s head chef, who is passionate about using local and sustainable ingredients, is thrilled with the partnership. He believes that the students’ involvement in the creation of the kitchen garden will not only enhance the quality of the dishes but also promote the importance of supporting local agriculture.

La Nauve is proud to be a part of this initiative, which not only benefits the students and the hotel but also promotes the importance of arboriculture in the community. The hotel’s guests are also able to witness the students’ hard work and appreciate the fresh and flavorful dishes that are served at the restaurant.

This project is just one example of how La Nauve is committed to promoting and supporting specialized careers in green spaces. The hotel believes that by providing opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience, it can inspire and encourage them to pursue a career in arboriculture.

In conclusion, the partnership between La Nauve and the vocational school is a testament to the hotel’s dedication to promoting sustainable practices and supporting the local community. The kitchen garden not only provides fresh and organic produce for the hotel’s restaurant but also serves as a learning platform for the students. This project is a shining example of how the hospitality industry can contribute to the promotion of specialized careers in green spaces.

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