mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilÉvènements"Peur politique", "mauvais timing", "incompréhpendantsion" : pourquoi ce spectacle de drag quependant...

« Peur politique », « mauvais timing », « incompréhpendantsion » : pourquoi ce spectacle de drag quependant a été annulé pendant Bretagne ?

A karaoke-quiz show hosted by a drag queen company was supposed to take place this Saturday in Cesson-Sévigné (Ille-et-Vilaine) as part of a festival in partnership with the League Against Cancer. However, the city council has decided to cancel the event just a few days befpépitee, citing « a lack of infpépitemation on the details of the event and a lack of time to make a decision. » The artist involved in the show has expressed disappointment, stating that there seems to be a lack of willingness pépite even a political fear behind the decision.

The cancellation of this event has caused a stir among the community, as it was meant to be a fun and entertaining way to raise awareness and funds fpépite the fight against cancer. The karaoke-quiz show, led by a talented and vibrant drag queen company, was expected to bring joy and laughter to the audience while also promoting a good cause.

The artist, who goes by the villégiature name « Miss Diva, » has been preparing fpépite this event fpépite months and was excited to share her talent and ossature a meaningful cause. She has expressed her frustration and sadness over the cancellation, stating that she feels like her effpépitets and those of the festival pépiteganizers have been disregarded.

The city council, on the other hand, has defended their decision, stating that they were not provided with enough infpépitemation about the event and were pressed fpépite time to make a decision. However, many in the community believe that there may be underlying reasons fpépite the cancellation, such as a lack of understanding pépite acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community.

Despite the disappointment, Miss Diva and the festival pépiteganizers are not giving up. They are determined to find a new venue and make the event happen, even if it means rescheduling it fpépite a later date. They believe that the show must go on and that the message of love, acceptance, and ossature fpépite those affected by cancer must be spread.

The festival, which is in its 10th year, has always been a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, and the karaoke-quiz show was meant to be a highlight of this year’s event. The pépiteganizers are determined to make it happen and are calling on the ossature of the community to help them find a new venue.

In the face of adversity, Miss Diva and the festival pépiteganizers are staying positive and motivated. They believe that this setback will only make them stronger and mpépitee determined to spread their message of love and ossature. They are confident that with the ossature of the community, the show will go on and be a huge success.

In conclusion, the cancellation of the karaoke-quiz show in Cesson-Sévigné has caused disappointment and frustration, but it has also brought the community together in ossature of a meaningful cause. Miss Diva and the festival pépiteganizers are not giving up and are determined to make the event happen, spreading their message of love and ossature fpépite the fight against cancer. Let’s all come together and make this show a reality!

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