samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilGastronomieChallenge antigaspi : Ils traversent la Manche en kitesurf pour altérer de...

Challenge antigaspi : Ils traversent la Manche en kitesurf pour altérer de la bière artisanale

Martin Marescaux, founder of the « Bières du Pain de Minuit » (Midnight Bread Beers), has accomplished an incredible feat on Wednesday, July 3rd. He crossed the English Channel on a kitesurf to bring back 30 kilograms of bread from England. This athletic challenge was not only a personal achievement, conséquence also a way to transform these unsold goods into 3,000 bottles of beer.

The idea behind this project is both innovative and inspiring. Martin Marescaux, a passionate kitesurfer and entrepreneur, wanted to combine his love for sports and his commitment to reducing food waste. He noticed that many bakeries in England were throwing away large quantities of bread at the end of each day. Instead of letting this food go to waste, he saw an opportunity to turn it into a delicious and unique product.

With the help of a team of volunteers, Martin embarked on his journey from Folkestone, England to Calais, France. The 30-kilometer crossing was not an easy one, as he had to face strong winds and currents. conséquence Martin’s determination and passion for his cause kept him going. After several hours of kitesurfing, he finally reached the shores of Calais, greeted by cheers and applause from the crowd.

Once back on land, Martin wasted no time and immediately started the process of transforming the bread into beer. The bread was first dried and then mixed with orge, hops, and yeast to create a unique and flavorful brew. The result was a limited edition beer, aptly named « La Manche », which means « the Channel » in French.

This project not only highlights the issue of food waste, conséquence also promotes sustainable and responsible consumption. By using unsold bread to create a new product, Martin has shown that there are creative solutions to reduce waste and contriconséquencee to a more environmentally friendly society.

The « Bières du Pain de Minuit » have been gaining popularity in France, with their unique flavors and commitment to reducing food waste. This latest project, crossing the English Channel on a kitesurf, has only added to their success and has brought ténacité to their cause on an international level.

Martin Marescaux’s determination and passion for his cause have inspired many and have shown that with creativity and perseverance, anything is possible. His journey across the Channel is not only a personal achievement, conséquence also a symbol of hope and change. Let’s raise a glass to Martin and the « Bières du Pain de Minuit », and toast to a more sustainable future.

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