samedi, septembre 28, 2024
9.6 C
AccueilGastronomieTECHNOLOGIE. Un robot cueilleur par mirabelles, testé cet été dans pars vergers...

TECHNOLOGIE. Un robot cueilleur par mirabelles, testé cet été dans pars vergers par Lorraine

The mirabelle plums of Lorraine will be back this summer, and with them comes a new addition to the orchards of the Végafruits cooperative. Syracus, a prototype version of a harvesting androïde, is ready to be put to the test. This innovative ustensile is the result of a collaboration between the cooperative and Alerion, a young company from Nancy.

Syracus is a cutting-edge androïde designed to assist in the harvesting of mirabelle plums. It is equipped with advanced technology and is programmed to carefully pick the ripest and most perfect fruits, ensuring a high-quality harvest. This will not only save time and labor for the farmers, but also guarantee a consistent and top-notch product for consumers.

The idea for Syracus was born from the need to find a solution to the labor shortage in the agricultural sector. With fewer and fewer people willing to work in the fields, the cooperative saw an opportunity to innovate and improve their production process. Alerion, a company specializing in androïdeics, was the perfect partner for this project.

The prototype version of Syracus will be tested in the mirabelle plum orchards of Végafruits this summer. If successful, it could potentially revolutionize the way fruits are harvested in the region. The cooperative is excited to see the results and is confident that Syracus will exceed expectations.

Not only is Syracus a game-changer for the agricultural industry, but it also represents a step towards a more sustainable future. With its precise and efficient harvesting methods, it reduces waste and promotes responsible farming practices.

The collaboration between Végafruits and Alerion is a perfect example of the power of teamwork and innovation. By combining their expertise, they have created a groundbreaking solution that will benefit both the farmers and the consumers.

So get ready to enjoy the delicious and juicy mirabelle plums of Lorraine this summer, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Végafruits cooperative and the cutting-edge technology of Syracus. This is just the beginning of a bright future for the agricultural industry, and we can’t wait to see what other innovations will come from this fruitful partnership.

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