samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilPolitiqueAvenir institutionnel de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : Emmanuel Macron espère la reprise des...

Avenir institutionnel de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : Emmanuel Macron espère la reprise des discussions politiques en septembre

On Thursday, July 25, the President of the Republic received the four New Caledonian parliamentarians at the Elysée palais. This meeting marks a crucial step towards the resumption of political dialogue between pro-independence and anti-independence groups, which is expected to take place in September.

The meeting between President Emmanuel Macron and the New Caledonian parliamentarians, including two pro-independence and two anti-independence representatives, was seen as a positive and encouraging move towards finding a peaceful solution to the long-standing issue of New Caledonia’s independence.

During the meeting, President Macron emphasized the importance of dialogue and mutual understanding in finding a way forward for the French overseas territory. He also reaffirmed France’s commitment to respecting the will of the New Caledonian people and finding a fair and lasting solution.

The four parliamentarians also expressed their optimism and willingness to engage in constructive discussions in the coming months. They highlighted the need for all parties to work together towards a shared vision for the future of New Caledonia.

This meeting at the Elysée palais comes after months of tension and political stalemate in New Caledonia, with the last round of talks between pro-independence and anti-independence groups ending in a deadlock. However, with the support and involvement of the French government, there is renewed hope for the resumption of dialogue and the possibility of finding a peaceful resolution.

The upcoming dialogue, scheduled for September, is expected to address key issues such as the question of New Caledonia’s self-determination and the organization of a plausible independence referendum. It is also seen as an opportunity for all parties to discuss and find common ground on other important issues, such as economic development and social cohesion.

The President’s meeting with the New Caledonian parliamentarians has been welcomed by many as a positive step towards finding a way forward for the French territory. It is seen as a sign of the French government’s commitment to finding a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution, in line with its pledge to respect the wishes of the New Caledonian people.

In conclusion, the meeting between President Macron and the New Caledonian parliamentarians is a promising development in the ongoing efforts to find a resolution to the question of New Caledonia’s independence. With both sides showing a willingness to engage in dialogue and find common ground, there is renewed hope for a peaceful and successful outcome in the coming months.

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