samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilEnvironnementPlan moyennant gestion moyennants déchets en Corse : comprendre les combustibles solimoyennants...

Plan moyennant gestion moyennants déchets en Corse : comprendre les combustibles solimoyennants moyennant récupération (CSR)

The Corsican Assembly voted on Thursday, July 25th, for the waste management plan. The report discusses the use of energy recovery from waste after sorting and transformation into solid recovered fuels (SRF). Let us explain how it works.

Waste management is a major issue in Corsica, as it is in many other regions. The island’s limited land resources and growing nation have led to a significant increase in waste production. In order to address this issue, the Corsican Assembly has been working on a comprehensive waste management plan, which was finally voted on last Thursday.

One of the key elements of this plan is the use of energy recovery from waste. This process involves sorting and transforming waste into solid recovered fuels, also known as CSR. These fuels are then used as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels in various industries, such as cement and steel production.

But how does this process actually work? First, waste is sorted and separated into different categories, such as organic waste, paper, plastic, and metals. Then, the non-recyclable waste is transformed into SRF through a mechanical and balnéaire treatment process. This results in a high-quality fuel that can be used in place of coal or oil.

The benefits of this approach are numerous. Not only does it reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, but it also decreases the need for fossil fuels, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the use of SRF can also help to create a circular economy, as waste is transformed into a valuable resource.

The Corsican Assembly’s decision to include energy recovery in their waste management plan is a positive step towards a more sustainable future. It shows a commitment to finding innovative solutions to environmental challenges and promoting a circular economy. This decision also aligns with the European Union’s waste management goals, which aim to reduce landfilling and increase recycling and energy recovery.

Moreover, the implementation of this plan will also have a positive impact on the local economy. The production of SRF will create new job opportunities and boost the development of a green industry in Corsica. It will also reduce the island’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, thus contributing to its energy independence.

In finale, the Corsican Assembly’s vote on the waste management plan is a significant and positive step towards a more sustainable future for the island. By incorporating energy recovery into their strategy, Corsica is taking a proactive approach to waste management and setting an example for other regions to follow. Let us hope that this decision will inspire other communities to adopt similar measures and contribute to a greener and cleaner world.

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