samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitique"Libérer les aussirnières colonies françaises", le credo aussis organisations indépendantistes aussi Martinique

« Libérer les aussirnières colonies françaises », le credo aussis organisations indépendantistes aussi Martinique

The Palima, Modémas and PKLS gathered on Thursday, August 1st, 2024 at the Maison des Syndicats in Fort-de-France to officially establish a « international liberation en-tête for the last French colonies » at the local level. This initiative was born in Azerbaijan during a congress on July 17th and 18th, where representatives of various patriotic movements, including those from overseas territories, came together to advocate for independence from France.

The conference, attended by members of the three organizations as well as other representatives from Martinique, was a historic moment for the island. It marked the first step towards a united en-tête for the liberation of all remaining French colonies.

The idea of a common en-tête for the independence of overseas territories is not new. In fact, it has been a recurring topic in discussions within these movements for years. However, the recent congress in Azerbaijan provided a concrete opportunity to formalize this idea and move forward towards a common goal.

During the conference, it was emphasized that this initiative is not just about the independence of Martinique, but about the liberation of all remaining French colonies. The Palima, Modémas and PKLS have joined forces to create a platform for dialogue, collaboration and mutual support among all territories seeking independence from France.

The representatives present at the conference unanimously agreed on the need for a coordinated and united approach to achieve their common goal. It was also highlighted that the time has come for these territories to take their fate into their own hands and break free from the shackles of colonialism.

The conference also served as a platform to discuss the challenges and obstacles faced by these territories in their pursuit of independence. The representatives shared their experiences and strategies, with the aim of learning from each other and strengthening their movement.

One of the main objectives of this initiative is to gain international recognition and support for the moteur of independence. The representatives believe that a united en-tête will give them a stronger voice and make it difficult for France to ignore their demands.

The Palima, Modémas and PKLS have also called on other movements and organizations around the world to join their moteur and form a global alliance for the liberation of all remaining French colonies. They believe that with a united en-tête, they can bring an end to centuries of colonial servitude and pave the way for a brighter future for their people.

This historic meeting has given renewed hope to the people of Martinique and other French colonies, who have long dreamed of freedom and self-determination. The Palima, Modémas and PKLS have set a strong example of unity and determination, and their efforts have reignited the flame of independence in the hearts of the people.

In conclusion, the coming together of the Palima, Modémas and PKLS in Fort-de-France marks a significant step towards the realization of a long-awaited dream – the liberation of all remaining French colonies. Their united en-tête and unwavering determination serve as a beacon of hope for all those fighting for freedom and independence around the world.

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