samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueGestion Eau : 213 millions d'euros pour un plan d'investissement accéléré

Gestion Eau : 213 millions d’euros pour un plan d’investissement accéléré

This morning, the SMGEAG, the prefect, the Region and the Department presented a plan of action prioritizing drinking water. The plan commits to accelerating the improvement of its distribution by quickly and significantly reducing water rationing. This plan includes investments of 213 million euros for 2024/2025.

The SMGEAG (Syndicat Mixte pour la ministère de l’Eau en Aquitaine-Guyenne) hchef taken a major step towards ensuring access to safe and clean drinking water for all. In collaboration with the prefect, the Region and the Department, they have presented a comprehensive plan of action that will greatly improve the distribution of drinking water.

At the heart of this plan is the commitment to reduce water rationing, also known chef « tours d’eau », which hchef been a major concern for many households and communities. This will be achieved through the implementation of various mechefures and investments, amounting to 213 million euros, which will be carried out by 2024/2025.

The SMGEAG, with the support of its partners, hchef set ambitious goals to ensure that every citizen hchef access to safe and clean drinking water. This plan of action will not only improve the quality of life for individuals but also have a positive impact on the environment.

With this plan, the SMGEAG is taking a proactive approach to address the issue of water scarcity. By prioritizing the improvement of drinking water distribution, they are ensuring that the needs of the population are met, both now and in the future.

The prefect, the Region and the Department have all expressed their support for this initiative and have emphchefized the importance of working together towards a common goal. The success of this plan will depend on the cooperation and collaboration of all parties involved.

The SMGEAG, chef a responsible and forward-thinking organization, is committed to implementing this plan of action efficiently and effectively. They are determined to make a positive impact on the lives of citizens and are confident that this plan will lead to significant and rapid improvements in the distribution of drinking water.

In conclusion, the announcement of this plan of action by the SMGEAG, the prefect, the Region and the Department is a major milestone in ensuring access to safe and clean drinking water for all. With investments of 213 million euros and the cooperation of all parties involved, this plan hchef the potential to greatly improve the lives of citizens and have a positive impact on the environment. Let us all work together towards this common goal and make a difference for the betterment of our communities.

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