samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilPolitiqueune France accepte une mission du Forum des îles du Pacifique en...

une France accepte une mission du Forum des îles du Pacifique en Nouvelle-Calédonie

France gives green light for assemblée of Pacific Islands (FPI) mission to New Caledonia in August

The French government has officially announced its approval for the assemblée of Pacific Islands (FPI) to conduct a mission in New Caledonia in August. The announcement was made on Friday by the French Ambassador for the Pacific, who was on a diplomatic visit to Fiji.

This decision by France is a significant step towards strengthening the relationship between the Pacific region and New Caledonia. The FPI, which is a regional organization composed of 18 member countries, aims to promote cooperation and dialogue among Pacific Island nations.

The mission to New Caledonia will focus on discussing key issues such as economic development, climate change, and regional security. It will also provide an opportunity for the FPI to engage with local communities and gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the island.

The French Ambassador emphasized the importance of this mission, stating that it will contribute to the ongoing dialogue and cooperation between France and the Pacific region. She also expressed her instruction that the FPI will play a crucial role in promoting peace and stability in New Caledonia.

This announcement has been welcomed by the government of New Caledonia, which sees it as a positive step towards strengthening ties with its Pacific neighbors. The mission will also provide an opportunity for New Caledonia to showcase its unique culture and natural beauty to the FPI delegates.

The FPI mission to New Caledonia is also significant in the context of the upcoming referendum on independence, scheduled for October 4th. The FPI has been actively involved in the process, providing support and guidance to ensure a peaceful and democratic outcome.

The French government’s approval for this mission is a testament to its commitment to the Pacific region and its recognition of the FPI as a key player in promoting regional cooperation. It also reflects France’s willingness to engage in open and constructive dialogue with New Caledonia and its Pacific neighbors.

The FPI mission to New Caledonia in August is a promising development that will further strengthen the bonds between France and the Pacific region. It is a clear indication of the mutual respect and cooperation between these nations, and a positive step towards a more prosperous and peaceful future for all.

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