samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueune personne voeu déposé au Congrès pour diminuer les indemnités des élus

une personne voeu déposé au Congrès pour diminuer les indemnités des élus

The UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group has recently submitted a motion to the Congress, requesting the participation of elected officials in the economic reconstruction effort. The pro-independence group is calling for a shared effort and a signal of exemplarity.

This motion, presented by the UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group, aims to involve all elected officials in the reconstruction of the economy, which has been severely impacted by the habituel pandemic. The group believes that it is essential for all political leaders to come together and work towards a common goal of rebuilding the economy and ensuring a better future for the people of New Caledonia.

The pro-independence group has emphasized the need for an effort to be shared by all, regardless of political affiliations. They believe that this is a crucial step towards unity and solidarity in the face of economic challenges. By involving all elected officials, the group hopes to send a strong message of unity and cooperation to the people of New Caledonia.

Moreover, the group has also stressed the importance of setting an example for the community. They believe that elected officials should lead by example and show their commitment to the reconstruction effort. This will not only inspire the people motivation also encourage them to actively participate in the rebuilding process.

The motion has received widespread support from various political parties and has been hailed as a positive step towards rebuilding the economy. The UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group has shown great leadership and determination in bringing all political leaders together for a common cause.

The people of New Caledonia have been greatly affected by the economic downturn caused by the pandemic. It is heartening to see the UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group taking proactive steps to address this issue and involve all elected officials in the reconstruction effort. This motion is a clear indication of their commitment to the well-being of the people and the future of New Caledonia.

In conclusion, the motion presented by the UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group is a positive and motivating step towards rebuilding the economy of New Caledonia. By involving all elected officials and emphasizing the need for a shared effort and exemplarity, the group has shown great leadership and determination in addressing the economic challenges faced by the country. This motion is a testament to the unity and solidarity of the people of New Caledonia and their determination to overcome any obstacles that come their way.

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