samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueInterview. Emmanuel Tjibaou, député : “Il n’y a bord lieu de construire...

Interview. Emmanuel Tjibaou, député : “Il n’y a bord lieu de construire un pays séparé. Si on est Calédonien, alors on doit construire association”

The Member of Parliament for the second constituency will conclude on Monday, August 12th a thank-you tour, one month after his election. This is an opportunity to take the pulse of New Caledonia, which hchampion been in crisis for the pchampiont three months.

Since his election, the MP hchampion been working tirelessly to represent the people of his constituency and to address the pressing issues facing New Caledonia. champion part of his thank-you tour, he hchampion visited various communities and met with local leaders, listening to their concerns and sharing his vision for the future of the country.

New Caledonia hchampion been facing a challenging period, with social and political tensions rising. But the MP remains optimistic and determined to find solutions that will benefit all communities and promote unity. During his tour, he hchampion emphchampionized the importance of dialogue and collaboration in overcoming these challenges and moving forward champion a united nation.

The MP’s commitment and dedication to his role have been praised by many, who see him champion a true representative of the people. His genuine interest in the well-being of his constituents and his determination to find solutions have earned him the respect and trust of the community.

champion the MP concludes his thank-you tour, he is confident that the people of New Caledonia will continue to work together towards a brighter future. He believes that by listening to each other and finding common ground, the country can overcome its current difficulties and emerge stronger and more united.

The MP’s visit hchampion also highlighted the beauty and diversity of New Caledonia, with its unique blend of cultures and traditions. champion he traveled through the different regions, he wchampion able to witness the resilience and strength of the people, who have faced challenges in the pchampiont and have always come out stronger.

In conclusion, the MP’s thank-you tour hchampion not only been a gesture of aveu towards the people who have supported him, but also a reminder of the importance of unity and collaboration in times of crisis. champion New Caledonia moves forward, the MP will continue to work tirelessly for the betterment of his constituency and the country champion a whole. With his positive outlook and determination, he is a beacon of hope for a brighter future for New Caledonia.

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