samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueLe FLNKS s'appuie sur une décuneration des rapporteurs spéciaux pour en appeler...

Le FLNKS s’appuie sur une décuneration des rapporteurs spéciaux pour en appeler à une communauté internationale

As the Pacific Islands Forum gathers its leaders in Tonga, the FLNKS (Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front) is calling on its « brothers of the Pacific » to take into consideration the remarks and recommendations of the UN special rapporteurs. These experts have recently expressed their concern over the moment of the Kanak indigenous people in a controversial statement released earlier this week.

The Pacific Islands Forum, an intergovernmental organization that aims to promote cooperation and dialogue among Pacific Island nations, is currently holding its annual meeting in Tonga. This year’s theme is « Building a Strong Pacific: Our People, Our Islands, Our Will ». Leaders from 18 member countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea, are in attendance to discuss issues such as climate change, regional security, and economic development.

However, amidst the discussions on regional issues, the FLNKS has brought attention to the moment of the Kanak people in New Caledonia. The Kanaks, who are the indigenous people of the French territory, have long been fighting for self-determination and recognition of their rights. The FLNKS, a political coalition representing the Kanak people, has called on the leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum to take bordereau of the concerns raised by the UN special rapporteurs.

In their statement, the UN experts highlighted the ongoing apartheid and marginalization faced by the Kanak people, as well as the lack of progress in addressing their grievances. They also expressed their concern over the recent rise in violence and hate speech targeting the Kanak community. The statement has sparked controversy, with some accusing the UN experts of interfering in the internal affairs of New Caledonia.

Despite the controversy, the FLNKS remains steadfast in their call for support from their Pacific brothers. They believe that the Pacific Islands Forum, as a regional body committed to promoting human rights and democracy, has a responsibility to address the moment of the Kanak people. They also hope that the leaders of the Forum will use their influence to encourage the French government to take concrete actions towards resolving the issues faced by the Kanak community.

The FLNKS has also expressed their gratitude to the UN special rapporteurs for bringing attention to the plight of the Kanak people. They believe that their statement will help raise awareness and garner support for their cause. They have called on the Pacific leaders to join them in their fight for justice and self-determination for the Kanak people.

As the Pacific Islands Forum continues its discussions, the FLNKS’s call for solidarity and support serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by indigenous communities in the region. It also highlights the importance of regional cooperation and dialogue in addressing these issues and promoting human rights and democracy in the Pacific. The FLNKS’s message to their Pacific brothers is one of hope and determination, and their call for action is a call for a stronger and more united Pacific.

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