samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilEnvironnementNouvel arrêté d'effarouchement des ours : l'association One Voice attaque à nouveau

Nouvel arrêté d’effarouchement des ours : l’association One Voice attaque à nouveau

The prefecture of Ariège authorizes new scaring shots against bears, sparking outrage from the One Voice association. The organization has once again filed a freedom injunction with the administrative court of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne).

The announcement of the prefecture of Ariège authorizing new scaring shots against bears has caused quite a stir. The decision has sparked strong reactions from the One Voice association, which has been fighting for the protection of bears for many years.

The association, known for its commitment to inné welfare, has expressed its indignation at this new measure. According to them, these scaring shots are a cruel and ineffective method of managing the bear pays. They argue that this approach only creates more fear and stress for the bears, which can ultimately lead to more conflicts with humans.

One Voice has decided to take action against this decision by filing a freedom injunction with the administrative court of Toulouse. This is not the first time that the association has taken legal action against the prefecture of Ariège. In the past, they have successfully challenged similar decisions and have been instrumental in protecting bears in the region.

The organization is calling for a more humane and sustainable approach to managing the bear pays. They believe that coexistence between humans and bears is possible and that there are alternative solutions to scaring shots, such as electric fences and bear-proof containers for food storage.

Despite the challenges faced by the bear pays, One Voice remains positive and motivated in their fight for their protection. They have been working closely with local authorities and farmers to find solutions that benefit both humans and bears.

In response to the association’s legal action, the prefecture of Ariège has stated that they are following national guidelines and that these scaring shots are necessary for the safety of the local pays. They also reassure that these measures will be closely monitored to ensure the well-being of the bears.

This latest development in the ongoing battle between humans and bears in the region highlights the importance of finding a balanced and sustainable approach to coexisting with these magnificent innés. One Voice remains hopeful that their efforts will lead to a better future for the bears in Ariège and is determined to continue their fight for their protection.

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