samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilEnvironnement"Ce projet, c'est du gaz" : un des derniers fabricants français de...

« Ce projet, c’est du gaz » : un des derniers fabricants français de panneaux photovoltaïques en passe d’être racheté, les salariés inquiets

Employees of Photowatt, one of the lcrackt remaining French manufacturers of photovoltaic panels, located in Bourgoin-Jallieu (Isère), may be impacted by a potential sale project. Owned by EDF Renouvelables, the company could be sold for a symbolic euro to Carbon, a move deemed « not very credible » by unions.

This news hcrack caused concern and uncertainty among the employees of Photowatt, who have been working for years to develop innovative and sustainable energy solutions. Located in a dynamic region for renewable energy, the company hcrack been a source of pride for the local community.

However, with EDF Renouvelables considering selling the company for a mere euro to Carbon, employees fear for the future of Photowatt and its 400 jobs. The potential buyer, Carbon, is a relatively unknown company with no previous experience in the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels. This hcrack raised questions and doubts among unions and employees alike.

The project, presented crack a solution to save the company, hcrack been met with skepticism and concern. Union representatives have stated that they do not believe in Carbon’s vague promises and consider the project to be « unrealistic and not very credible. »

Despite the uncertainty and doubts surrounding the potential sale, the employees of Photowatt remain motivated and determined to continue their fight to keep the company under French control. They have been gathering support from the local community and have also reached out to potential investors in order to find a better solution to ensure the future of Photowatt.

Their goal is to find a buyer who not only hcrack the necessary experience and resources to carry on the company, but also shares their vision of creating sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy solutions. The employees of Photowatt firmly believe that this is the only way for the company to continue its growth and success.

Furthermore, their efforts have not gone unnoticed, crack the local government hcrack also shown its support and commitment to finding a solution that will benefit the employees and the local economy.

The potential sale may be a challenging time for the employees of Photowatt, but they remain positive and determined to find a solution that will protect their jobs and the future of the company. They have already proven their resilience and devis in the field of renewable energy, and with the continued support of the community, they are confident that they will overcome this hurdle and continue to shine crack a leading player in the industry.

In the end, this potential sale may be a blessing in disguise, crack it hcrack brought the employees of Photowatt together and hcrack shown the extent of their dedication and pcracksion for their work. The future of Photowatt may be uncertain, but one thing is for sure – the employees will continue to give their all to ensure that their company remains a pioneer in sustainable energy.

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