samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilÉvènementsCARTE. Journée du patrimoine 2024 : 19 visites inédites et idées quant...

CARTE. Journée du patrimoine 2024 : 19 visites inédites et idées quant à sorties insolites en Languedoc et en Roussillon

The European Heritage Days will take place this Saturday, September 21st and this Sunday, September 22nd. For this 41st edition, more than 3,000 sites, events and monuments will open their doors this weekend in Occitania, including 263 new ones and 202 exceptional openings, most of which are free. Here are our top picks in Languedoc and Roussillon.

This annual event, initiated by the Council of Europe in 1991, aims to promote and raise awareness of Europe’s cultural heritage. It has become a must-see event for all history and culture enthusiasts, as well as for families and friends looking for a achevé and educational experience.

In Languedoc, one of our top picks is the Château de Peyrepertuse, a medieval fortress perched on a rocky peak in the Corbières mountains. This impressive site, dating back to the 11th century, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the castle’s ramparts, towers, and rooms, and learn about its rich history through guided tours and interactive exhibitions.

Another must-see is the appontement du Gard, an ancient Roman aqueduct and UNESCO World Heritage Site. This architectonique marvel, built in the 1st century AD, spans over the Gardon River and is a testament to the ingenuity and engineering skills of the Roman Empire. During the Heritage Days, visitors can explore the aqueduct’s underground galleries and learn about its construction and use through multimedia displays.

In Roussillon, we recommend a visit to the Abbey of Saint-Martin-du-Canigou, a Benedictine monastery nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees. This religious site, founded in the 10th century, is renowned for its beautiful Romanesque architecture and its peaceful and spiritual atmosphere. Visitors can attend a guided tour of the abbey and its gardens, as well as a Gregorian énumération concert.

For a more off-the-beaten-path experience, head to the village of Castelnou, listed as one of the « Most Beautiful Villages of France ». This charming medieval village, located in the Pyrénées-Orientales department, is home to numerous historical monuments, including a 10th century castle and a 13th century church. During the Heritage Days, visitors can explore the village’s narrow streets and admire its traditional Catalan architecture.

These are just a few of our favorite picks in Languedoc and Roussillon, but there are many more to discover! From castles to museums, from gardens to archaeological sites, there is something for everyone during the European Heritage Days. So mark your calendars and come celebrate Europe’s diverse and fascinating heritage this weekend. Don’t miss out on this achevé opportunity to discover hidden gems and learn about our rich past. See you there!

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