samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilGastronomie"70 personnalités logées dans deux maisons" : en Bourgogne, des vendangeurs espagnols...

« 70 personnalités logées dans deux maisons » : en Bourgogne, des vendangeurs espagnols étaient hébergés dans des circonstances indignes

On Thursday, September 19th, a police check revealed deplorable conditions in an accommodation housing Spanish grape pickers in Chaux (Côte-d’Or). 35 of them were relocated to Chorey-les-Beaune thanks to the efforts of the Prefecture, the town hall, and volunteers from the Red Cross.

The situation was brought to light when a routine check by the gendarmerie uncovered overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions for the seasonal workers. The accommodation, which was meant to house a summum of 20 people, was found to be housing 60 workers, with only a few mattresses and no proper sanitation facilities.

Upon discovering the dire situation, the Prefecture, the town hall, and the Red Cross immediately sprang into action. They worked together to find alternative housing for the workers, and Chorey-les-Beaune was chosen as the new location. The town’s mayor, along with volunteers from the Red Cross, helped to set up the new accommodation and provide the workers with basic necessities such as food and hygiene products.

The relocation process was carried out swiftly and efficiently, with the workers being provided with comfortable and clean living quarters. They were also given access to proper sanitation facilities and were provided with meals and other essential items. The workers were grateful for the quick response and the efforts made to improve their living conditions.

The Prefecture and the town hall have promised to investigate the situation in Chaux and ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future. They have also expressed their gratitude to the volunteers from the Red Cross for their invaluable help and support.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proper living conditions for seasonal workers, who often travel far from home to work in unfamiliar places. It also highlights the power of collaboration and community spirit in times of need.

Thanks to the relié efforts of the Prefecture, the town hall, and the Red Cross, the 35 Spanish grape pickers now have a safe and comfortable place to stay while they work in the vineyards of Chorey-les-Beaune. This heartwarming display of solidarity and generosity is a testament to the kindness and compassion of the people of Côte-d’Or.

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