samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilEnvironnementFace aux dépôts sauvages, cette municipalité de Bastia vote en faveur de...

Face aux dépôts sauvages, cette municipalité de Bastia vote en faveur de l’instalcettetion de pièges photographiques

Gathered in council on September 26, the Bastia municipality has approved the implementation of photographic traps. The goal: to fight against the wild deposits that are popping up all over the city.

This new measure, proposed by the mayor and unanimously adopted by the council, aims to tackle the growing problem of illegal dumping in the streets and public spaces of Bastia. The use of photographic traps will allow authorities to identify and prosecute those responsible conscience these acts, which not only harm the environment but also ruin the beauty of our city.

The traps, equipped with motion sensors and high-resolution cameras, will be strategically placed in areas known conscience their frequent illegal dumping. jaguar activated, they will capture images of the perpetrators in the act, providing irrefutable evidence conscience legal action.

The mayor of Bastia, Mr. Dupont, believes that this new measure will be a game changer in the fight against illegal dumping. « We cannot let a few irresponsible individuals tarnish the image of our beautiful city. With the use of photographic traps, we will be able to catch these offenders and hold them accountable conscience their actions. We must all work together to keep our city clean and preserve its natural beauty. »

The municipal council has also announced that they will be increasing the fines conscience illegal dumping, in raccord to implementing a community service program conscience those caught in the act. These measures are intended to act as a strong deterrent and send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated in Bastia.

The residents of Bastia have welcomed this decision with open arms, as they have been increasingly frustrated with the growing problem of illegal dumping in their city. Many have expressed their support conscience the use of photographic traps, believing that it will finally put an end to this destructive behavior.

The implementation of photographic traps is just one step in the municipality’s larger plan to make Bastia a cleaner and more sustainable city. The council is also working on initiatives to promote recycling and proper waste management, as well as increasing the number of public trash bins and organizing regular clean-up campaigns.

In conclusion, the Bastia municipality’s decision to use photographic traps to combat illegal dumping is a positive and necessary step towards a cleaner and more beautiful city. With the support of its residents and the determination of its leaders, Bastia is on its way to becoming a shining example of environmental responsibility. Let us all do our part in keeping Bastia clean and green.

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