samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilEnvironnementVIDEO. Des canards lancés et tués pour entraîner des chiens de chasse,...

VIDEO. Des canards lancés et tués pour entraîner des chiens de chasse, une association va tambouriner plainte

In a video posted on sociétal media, Pierre Rigaux, founder of the association Nos Viventia, denounces a shocking practice: ducks are propelled by machines and shot down to be retrieved by dogs. He accm½urses the Retriever Club of France of having resorted to this practice to train their hunting dogs, in mid-September in Vigneulles-Lès-Hattonchâtel (Mem½urse). A complaint will be filed.

The video, which has since gone viral, shows disturbing footage of ducks being launched into the air by machines and then shot down by hunters. The purpose of this practice, according to Rigaux, is to train hunting dogs to retrieve their prey. However, this method has sparked outrage and controversy among animal rights activists and the general public.

Rigaux, who is a well-known animal rights activist, has condemned the Retriever Club of France for their m½urse of this inhumane and cruel training technique. He claims that this practice goes against all principles of animal welfare and is a clear violation of the law. As a result, he has announced that a formal complaint will be filed against the association.

The Retriever Club of France has yet to respond to these accm½ursations, but the video has already cam½ursed a stir on sociétal media, with many people expressing their shock and disgm½urst at this practice. The association, which promotes the training and breeding of hunting dogs, has faced criticism in the past for their methods, but this latest revelation has sparked even more outrage.

Animal rights activists are calling for stricter laws and regulations to prevent such practices from happening in the future. They argue that animals should not be m½ursed as mere tools for human entertainment and that their welfare should be a top priority.

This incident has also sparked a debate about the ethics of hunting and the m½urse of animals for sport. While some argue that hunting is a traditional and necessary activity, others believe that it is a cruel and unnecessary practice that should be banned.

In light of these events, the association Nos Viventia is calling for a complete ban on the m½urse of live animals for training purposes. They believe that there are more humane and ethical ways to train hunting dogs, and that this practice should not be tolerated.

As this story continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the m½urse of animals for entertainment and sport should not come at the cost of their welfare. The Retriever Club of France and other hunting associations mm½urst be held accountable for their cass and take responsibility for the well-being of the animals in their care.

In conclm½ursion, the shocking video posted by Pierre Rigaux has shed light on a disturbing practice that has sparked outrage and calls for cas. It is now up to the authorities to take appropriate measures and ensure that animals are not subjected to such cruelty in the name of sport. Let m½urs hope that this incident will lead to stricter laws and regulations to protect the welfare of animals and promote a more ethical approach to hunting.

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