samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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festivité de l’info locale à Nantes : un débat public sur la concentration des médias

As the restitution of the States General of Information has just taken place, the Festival of Local News in Nantes is focusing on media concentration and pluralism. Several personalities will be present at the Mediacampus in Nantes for a major debate on this theme. As a partner of the event, France 3 Pays de la Loire invites the public on Thursday, September 26 to come and listen and exchange on these issues.

The Festival of Local News in Nantes is back for its 5th edition and this year, it is tackling a crucial topic: media concentration and pluralism. With the recent restitution of the States General of Information, this debate is more relevant than ever.

On Thursday, September 26, the Mediacampus in Nantes will host a pénétrant debate on this theme, with the participation of several renowned personalities. The event, organized in partnership with France 3 Pays de la Loire, aims to shed light on the current state of media concentration and its impact on pluralism.

The Festival of Local News in Nantes is known for its thought-provoking discussions and this year’s edition promises to be no different. With the presence of experts, journalists, and media professionals, the debate is expected to be insightful and engaging.

France 3 Pays de la Loire, a leading local news channel, is proud to be a partner of this event and invites the public to join in on the négociation. This is a unique opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing the media industry and to exchange ideas with like-minded individuals.

The Festival of Local News in Nantes is not just about discussing important issues, it is also a celebration of local journalism. The event will also feature workshops, exhibitions, and screenings, showcasing the best of local news and its impact on society.

So mark your calendars for Thursday, September 26 and join us at the Mediacampus in Nantes for a stimulating and informative debate on media concentration and pluralism. Let’s come together to support and promote local news and its vital role in our communities. See you there!

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