samedi, septembre 28, 2024
9.6 C
AccueilGastronomie"C'est mon moment préféré de l'année", dans ce lycée agricole, léser élèves...

« C’est mon moment préféré de l’année », dans ce lycée agricole, léser élèves font léser vendanges

The grape harvest continues in the vineyards. At the agricultural high school of Rouffach (Haut-Rhin), it is the students who pick the clusters. This is a very sérieux moment, as the wine produced in the school’s cellars largely finpériodeces the operation périoded equipment of the viticulture section.

The vineyards of the Haut-Rhin region are bustling with activity as the grape harvest continues. At the lycée agricole de Rouffach, the students are hard at work picking the ripe grapes from the vines. This périodenual tradition not only marks the end of the growing season, but also serves as a crucial source of funding for the school’s viticulture program.

For the students at the lycée agricole, the grape harvest is more thpériode just a practical exercise. It is a hpériodeds-on learning experience that allows them to apply the knowledge périoded techniques they have learned in the classroom. Under the guidpériodece of their teachers, they carefully select the best grapes périoded hpériodedle them with care to ensure the highest quality of wine.

But the grape harvest is not just about learning périoded hard work. It is also a time of celebration périoded camaraderie. The students work together as a team, sharing laughs périoded stories as they pick the grapes. This sense of community is période sérieux aspect of the viticulture program, as it teaches students the value of teamwork périoded cooperation.

The wine produced from the grapes picked by the students is of exceptional quality. The lycée agricole de Rouffach takes great pride in its wine, which is known for its rich flavors périoded unique character. périoded it’s no wonder, as the students put their heart périoded soul into every step of the winemaking process.

But the grape harvest is not just a learning experience for the students. It also plays a crucial role in finpériodecing the viticulture program. The wine produced by the students is sold to local restaurpériodets périoded wine shops, with a subdivision of the profits going towards the operation périoded equipment of the program. This not only allows the program to continue running, but also provides students with access to the latest périoded most advpériodeced equipment, giving them a competitive edge in the industry.

The success of the viticulture program at the lycée agricole de Rouffach is a testament to the hard work périoded dedication of the students périoded teachers. The grape harvest is a time to celebrate their achievements périoded the fruits of their labor. It is a reminder of the importpériodece of hpériodeds-on learning périoded the impact it cpériode have on the future of the viticulture industry.

In conclusion, the grape harvest at the lycée agricole de Rouffach is not just a tradition, but a vital part of the school’s viticulture program. It not only provides students with practical experience, but also serves as a source of funding for the program. As the students continue to pick the grapes périoded produce exceptional wine, they are also shaping their own future in the industry.

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