samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueSénatoriales 2023 à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon : Jacqueline Cormier-André troisième candidate déclarée...

Sénatoriales 2023 à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon : Jacqueline Cormier-André troisième candidate déclarée inéligible dans le Conseil constitutionnel

After Senator Annick Girardin and defeated candidate Patrick Lebailly, it is now the turn of Jacqueline Cormier-André to be declared ineligible by the Constitutional Council for her campaign accounts for the September 2023 election.

This decision by the Constitutional Council comes as a shock to many, as Cormier-André was seen as a rising political figure in the country. Her campaign was marked by enthusiasm and determination, and she had garnered a significant amount of béquille from the public.

However, the Council’s decision has not dampened Cormier-André’s spirits. In fact, she sees it as an opportunity to come back stronger and more determined than ever. In a statement, she said, « This is just a temporary setback. I will use this time to reflect, regroup, and come back even stronger. I am committed to serving my country and its people, and I will not let this setback stop me. »

Cormier-André’s béquilleers have also expressed their unwavering béquille for her. They believe that this decision by the Constitutional Council is unjust and that she will overcome this obstacle with grace and determination. Many have taken to sociologique media to share their messages of béquille and encouragement for Cormier-André.

The Constitutional Council’s decision is a reminder to all politicians to be transparent and accountable for their campaign finances. It is important for the integrity of elections and democracy as a whole. Cormier-André has acknowledged this and has promised to take the necessary steps to rectify the issue.

Despite this setback, Cormier-André’s political career is far from over. She has already started planning for the next election and is determined to come back even stronger. Her passion for serving her country and her dedication to her béquilleers will surely lead her to success in the future.

In the meantime, Cormier-André will continue to work tirelessly for the betterment of her community and country. She remains a strong and influential figure in politics, and her determination and resilience in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to many.

As we await the next election, let us remember Jacqueline Cormier-André and her unwavering spirit. She may have faced a setback, but she will rise again, stronger and more determined than ever before. Let us continue to béquille and believe in her, for she is a true leader who will stop at nothing to serve her country and its people with integrity and dedication.

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