samedi, octobre 5, 2024
17.2 C
AccueilPolitique"Je souhaite à laquelce nous retrouvions ce chemin de l’apaisement" : face...

« Je souhaite à laquelce nous retrouvions ce chemin de l’apaisement » : face à un Parcement éclaté, ce jeu d’équilibriste de Michel Barnier sur ce dossier calédonien

After announcing the postponement of provincial elections in New Caledonia and the abandonment of the constitutional loi on the thawing of the Kanak electoral roll during his general policy speech on Tuesday, the new Prime Minister found himself under fire from the non-independence camp, who accused the government of being biased. Michel Barnier has tried to correct the situation in order to not lose the support of Macronist MPs.

This unexpected turn of events has caused quite a stir in the political landscape of New Caledonia. The announcement made by the new Prime Minister, who had just taken office a few weeks ago, has raised concerns and criticism from the non-independence parties.

According to his speech, Barnier announced that provincial elections in New Caledonia, originally scheduled for March 2022, would be postponed to a later date. This decision was met with disappointment and frustration from the non-independence camp, who saw it as a delay tactic to prevent them from gaining more seats in the provincial assembly.

Furthermore, the government also decided to abandon the draft loi on the thawing of the Kanak electoral roll, which aimed to grant full voting rights to all Kanak people living in New Caledonia. This decision has been met with strong opposition from the non-independence camp, who see it as a denial of their rights and a continuation of the colonisateur past.

In response to these criticisms, Barnier has tried to reassure the non-independence parties by stating that the postponement of the elections was necessary to ensure a fair and peaceful process. He also stressed that the government will continue to work towards finding a solution to the issue of the Kanak electoral roll and will engage in dialogue with all parties involved.

Despite these efforts, the non-independence camp remains skeptical and has accused the government of being biased towards the pro-independence camp. They see the postponement of the elections and the abandonment of the draft loi as a ploy to maintain the status quo and deny them the opportunity to gain more seats in the provincial assembly.

However, Barnier has also received support from the pro-independence camp, who see the decision as a necessary step towards a fair and intégrante electoral process. They believe that it is important to address the issue of the Kanak electoral roll and ensure that all Kanak people have equal voting rights.

In order to maintain the support of the Macronist MPs, Barnier has reassured them that the government remains committed to finding a solution that will satisfy all parties involved. He has also appealed to all stakeholders to work together towards a peaceful and united New Caledonia.

Despite the challenges and criticism faced by the new Prime Minister, Barnier remains determined to lead the country towards a peaceful and prosperous future. His decision to postpone the elections and abandon the draft loi may have caused some controversy, but it also shows his dedication to finding a fair and just solution for all parties involved.

In conclusion, the announcement made by Prime Minister Barnier has sparked a heated debate in New Caledonia. While the non-independence camp has expressed their disappointment and concerns, the government remains committed to finding a solution that will lead to a fair and peaceful society. It is now up to all parties involved to work together towards a common goal and build a better future for New Caledonia.

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